Cryolife have released brochures for their new product Hemostase MPH. Under their agreement Minneapolis based Medafor Inc. will sell their "Arista" FDA approved 2001 product under new labels with Cryolife to sell "Hemostase MPH" while Orthovita will sell "Vitasure".
Under the Cryolife agreement Medafor grants to Cryolife "exclusive right to promote, market, sell and distribute (collectively, “Distribute”) the Product throughout the Territory for all uses and applications" in all applications in cardiac surgery and vascular surgery in the United States; and in all general surgery applications outside the United States including cardiac and vascular surgeries, but excluding orthopedic and ear, nose, and throat surgeries. Neurosurgery and topical applications do not form part of the agreement.
Meanwhile Orthovita at the 29th Annual Health Care Conference, March '09, in Boston have predicted strong "horizontal" growth throughout hospitals. For the Vitasure IFU click HERE