Monday, September 20, 2010

EU Lacks Transparency In Adverse Event Reports

The regulatory considerations for the US are often cited as so rigorous that they delay valued technologies reaching the market. However weak EU vigilance and a systemic vision for EUDAMED lacking transparency earmarks all EU individuals as easy victims for massive medical device testing and product failure.
In todays world of outsourcing of Medical Device production to manufacturing wild west territories such as India and China concerns should be creating a greater need for vigilance and freedom of public access. And yet Eudamed state:

Who can access Eudamed?

Eudamed is a secure web-based portal acting as a central repository for information exchange between national competent authorities and the Commission and is not publicly accessible. Eudamed is currently being used by a number of Member States on a voluntary basis and will be obligatory as from May 2011.

However the public are not to be informed, it would seem reasonable for a patient or physician to have available adverse event reports (proven or not). It seems EU citizens will not have this visibility.......WHY???
Fundamentally the EU lacks transparency for both patients and physicians in terms of adverse event reports, it also lacks clearly defined regulation of notified bodies and along with this does not indicate clear packaging notification of origin of country production. A company registered anywhere in the world may not be required to specify their product is produced, packaged and sent from India, China or Timbuktu. 
All of this also begs the question of "What events happen in Mexico, Yemen and beyond?". The case for Global Harmonisation is an issue often discussed but will ultimately be driven by a disaster.
The following Belgian Document (French initially, but English follows) highlights major concerns.

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